Louisiana Liposuction Specialists Respond to Safety Concerns

The Wall Center for Plastic Surgery

Specializing in an innovative approach to liposuction in Louisiana, the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Wall Center offer their opinions on recent articles questioning the safety of liposuction.

Shreveport, Louisiana (February 2012) – Dr. Simeon Wall Jr. and Dr. Holly Wall, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Wall Center for Plastic Surgery (www.wallcenter.com), are providing their professional views on recent media reports about the effectiveness and safety of liposuction. The surgeons, who have developed a new approach to liposuction in Louisiana, emphasize that by setting realistic goals and working with a qualified surgeon, patients can achieve safe, successful results.

At their practice, they offer an alternative to traditional liposuction developed by Dr. Simeon Wall Jr. called SAFELipo®.

“A number of recent articles have questioned whether liposuction really works and whether it’s safe,” he says. “What these reports typically fail to mention is that a variety of liposuction technologies and techniques exist.

“By working with a board-certified plastic surgeon who uses only methods that have proven to be safe and effective, people can achieve the results they want. At The Wall Center, for example, we use SAFELipo, which I created so that we could offer our patients a form of body contouring that adheres to the highest standards of safety while providing beautifully sculpted, smooth, and natural-appearing results. It’s significantly different from other forms of liposuction, and our patients love the results that we achieve.”

The surgeons both express concern that the spotlight on liposuction’s safety created by the media may deter some people from considering it. For many people, liposuction’s benefits go beyond enhancing their appearance; it can also significantly improve their quality of life.

“One of the procedures that we offer is body contouring after weight loss,” Dr. Holly Wall says. “Even though these patients have lost significant amounts of weight, they often are left with large areas of excess fat and loose skin. Clothing is usually ill-fitting, and they may suffer from chafing, redness and constantly irritated skin that can be painful and, if not treated, can lead to more serious problems. By combining SAFELipo with another procedure, such as a body lift, we can relieve their discomfort. “

Because of its versatility, safety and successful results, The Wall Center surgeons use SAFELipo on a wide range of areas, including the knees, flanks, midsection, upper arms and neck.

The Wall Center also offers breast enhancement and facial surgery, such as facelift for Louisiana men and women who want a complete rejuvenation. “People increasingly are recognizing the transformation that they can achieve through plastic surgery,” Dr. Simeon Wall Sr, says. “It’s rewarding for us to hear from our patients about how our procedures have improved their lives.

“I hope that the media can show both sides of the story in the future and reveal how, when people choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who uses a safe, effective form of liposuction such as SAFELipo, they can achieve and many times surpass their aesthetic goals.”
