Among the many reasons for BOTOX's popularity is that it doesn't require any downtime. However, following some post-treatment "do's and don'ts" is necessary to ensure you achieve your desired results. Discover aftercare tips and what not to do after BOTOX to minimize your risk of unwanted side effects in this blog post. Here's a quick…
Dermal fillers remain one of the most popular cosmetic treatments, with patients having more options than ever before. The days of relying on 1 or 2 all-purpose, workhorse fillers to enhance most areas of the face are long gone. We offer a full menu of fillers formulated for specific areas of the face that produce…
Smooth and supple skin, youthful volume, and strategically enhanced facial features are just a few benefits of cosmetic injectables. These popular treatments typically come in two varieties: neuromodulators, such as BOTOX® and Jeuveau™, and dermal fillers, such as JUVEDERM® and RADIESSE®. While these injectables may share the same goal (facial rejuvenation), their approach is fundamentally…
Are your cheeks flat and lacking in definition due to aging, weight loss, or simple genetics and making you look older and deflated? If you're wondering how to get more defined cheekbones, we can contour and add volume to the cheeks, giving the face natural-looking symmetry and creating a more youthful appearance. Some methods for…
As you celebrate more birthdays, you may be noticing more fine lines and wrinkles, as well as a loss of facial volume where you want it and fullness under your chin where you don't. On the inside, you are joyful and ready to take on the world, but your face is not reflecting your youthful…
Earlier this year the FDA approved Jeuveau™ (pronounced Jū-vō), the first BOTOX® competitor to arrive on the market in 10 years. As a leader in the aesthetics industry, The Wall Center is among the first in the U.S. to offer Jeuveau, also called #NEWTOX, to our clients in Shreveport, LA. Jeuveau is now the 4th…
If we told you that you could earn discounts on BOTOX®, Voluma®, and JUVÉDERM® injections, SkinMedica™ skincare products, and LATISSE® eyelash enhancement just by doing the things you love, would you believe it? At Jade MediSpa in Shreveport, we were skeptical, too. But the Brilliant Distinctions® program from Allergan lets you do just that –…
A two-year-old lawsuit begun by Allergan, the makers of BOTOX® Cosmetic, has just been given a favorable ruling in US federal court in California, which issued a permanent injunction against Merz Pharmaceuticals and Merz Aesthetics, which are the two American subsidiaries of German pharmaceutical company, Merz Pharma, makers of the BOTOX® competitor, Xeomin. The court…
If you believe what they report on ABC’s website, one of the "hottest" gifts requested this past Christmas season wasn’t jewelry. It wasn’t a cruise. It wasn't a new car. It was cosmetic surgery, which for this blog’s purposes, includes items like Botox® Cosmetic injections, fillers and other goodies that make us more youthful looking,…
Investing in your appearance is no small matter, and for many people, getting regular BOTOX injections plays an important part in their anti-aging regimen. If you're currently getting BOTOX injections or considering them, finding out how to make BOTOX last longer may be a priority for you. In this post, we'll offer a few tips…